
How Does Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) Work?

Whole Body Cryotherapy uses gasiform nitrogen to lower the surface temperature of the skin from normal body temperature to 30 degrees Fahrenheit in 30 seconds or less and keeps it that way for two to three minutes. Thermo receptors in skin are stimulated by the cold and send messages to the brain that act to stimulate the regulatory functions of the body. The body seeks to maintain its core temperature by supplying blood and hormones to the vital organs. When the enriched blood flows back to other areas of the body it contributes to a variety of health and wellness benefits. The skin exposure to the extreme temperatures also triggers the release of anti-inflammatory molecules and endorphins. Basically, WBC is a “biohack” that stimulates the body’s ability to rejuvenate and repair itself.

Is Nitrogen dangerous?

No, Nitrogen is a non-toxic natural gas. The nitrogen we use to cool the cryosauna is the same nitrogen that makes up the air we breathe (78%).

What do I wear?

Clients typically wear their underwear inside the chamber. We will provide a robe for you to wear, which will be removed once you enter the chamber and the door is closed. We will also provide gloves and foot protection that must be worn inside the chamber. Only the clients, head, neck and hands will be visible to the Whole Body Cryotherapy technician, and the procedure will be done in a private room.

Why do I need socks and gloves?

The method of hyper-cooling the skin is sudden and the body is triggered to pull blood from the extremities to protect the body’s core temperature. The vessels around the core then constrict, holding the blood in the core. We simply protect the areas that are most affected by this reaction to ensure your comfort and safety during your exposure.

Do I have to take a shower before and/or after the procedure?

No, you do not. This is a dry procedure that will not wet the skin.

Can I catch a cold in a Cryo-sauna?

No. Colds are caused by exposure to viral organisms. Whole Body Cryotherapy can actually help to stimulate the immune system and help to decrease the severity and frequency of colds and similar conditions.

Can I exercise before or after Whole Body Cryotherapy?

Yes, it is safe to do either. If you choose to exercise before WBCm you will experience increased energy and greater recovery due to the reduction in inflammation. If you exercise after the cryosauna, you will experience a higher pain tolerance and more energy.

Will I be able to stand the cold?

Yes. There is no actual freezing, only the feeling of being cold. Whole Body Cryotherapy is simply very cold air flowing over the surface of the skin. The air is completely dry and safe with the protective gloves, socks and slippers we provide.

If I am claustrophobic, can I use the Cryo-Chamber?

The door to the Chamber, can not and will not ever be locked during a WBC session and a Cryo Technician will be with you at all times. Once you step inside, your head and hands will be exposed outside of the Chamber. You can request to step out at any time and oxygen monitor will be regulating the air conditions at all times.

What are the risks of Whole Body Cryotherapy?

Whole Body Cryotherapy is very well tolerated and has minimal risks:

Fluctuations in blood pressure during the procedure by up to 10 points systolic (this effect reverses after the end of the procedure, as peripheral circulation returns to normal), allergic reaction to extreme cold (rare), and activation of some viral conditions (cold sores) etc. due to stimulation of the immune system.

How will I feel afterward?

During each session the body releases endorphins, which are your “feel good” hormones. The effects from each session last at least 6–8 hours. As with any new regimen, consistency is key and increased results will be noted with regular use. Many report a higher pain tolerance when exposure is pre-workout, and decreased inflammation is noted with a post- workout exposure.

Float therapy

What if I don’t float?

A common question, as some struggle to float in other bodies of water – we can
assure you, you will absolutely float in our highly salinized Float Pods, which are more buoyant than the Dead Sea!

I’m claustrophobic; can I still use the Float Pod?

Yes. Guests are in complete control of their Float Pod lid, which may be left open, partially open or closed. Each Pod features a multi-colored LED light, which is in the total control of the guest. There is a selection of music options including the option to bring your own music. Each Float Pod also features a 2-way intercom connecting to the front desk should you need help or have any concerns during your session.

Are there any side effects?

Rarely, clients may experience nausea. This is typically indicative of a detox reaction responding to stress which is often held in the stomach. Ultimately, releasing this stress is beneficial thought it may be uncomfortable in the moment.
While this level of nausea is fairly uncommon, we do ask that guests exit the pod if they believe they may be sick. Flotation is powerful; please remember to drink plenty of water after your session!

Will my skin wrinkle?

The high level of Epsom salts in each Float Pod actually prevents the skin from wrinkling! It will, however, leave your skin silky smooth.

Can I safely fall asleep? Is there a risk of drowning?

We encourage clients to relax and release any worries of dozing off while in the Float Pod. Each Float Pod contains 10 inches of highly salinized water – thus, it is not required that guests know how to swim. This solution supports you no matter how you might toss and turn inside the Float Pod.
Though it is difficult to accidentally flip onto your belly in the tank, if this were to occur, the extremely high salt concentration (1,200 lbs.) would immediately cause discomfort in the eyes, nose and mouth.

Can I float while pregnant?

Yes! In fact, pregnant clients may experience some of the greatest relief from floating—physically and mentally. The added weight and pressure on the mother’s body is likely to cause pain and discomfort, the weightless impact of floating can provide much relief!Many clients report a unique and memorable experience floating while pregnant.

Are there any contradictions for Float Therapy?

Float Therapy is safe for just about everyone! However, those with epileptic conditions or who have kidney disease (as the kidneys are responsible for processing Magnesium) should take extra precautions in consulting their physician before floating.

What if I get salt in my eyes?

It can happen to the best of us. The best way to avoid this momentary discomfort is to be mindful not to touch your face with your hands during your session. However, if salt finds its way into your eyes we do provide a squirt bottle full of fresh water in each Float Pod. Many locations also provide a face towel to bring into your float for any need that may require touching the face mid-float.

How long is a float?

Ice Box books floats in 60-minute increments.

Are there any weight restrictions?

No. As long as you can safely get in the tank, you are safe to float.

What if I do not want to float in the dark?

The lighting inside the Float Pod is completely up to the client. There is a light switch, so the client has control of whether or not they want to leave the light on during their session or not.

Will I have enough air?

Yes, of course. The air inside is warm and it rises by convection. There is a vent at the top of the pod for the air to leave and the fresh air enters near the water line and around the lid. The ventilation system has a full airflow design, with draft free ventilation.

What is Epsom salt and why is it used?

Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate. It is found naturally in many spa waters. It is different from sea salt or table salt, which is mainly sodium chloride. Epsom salt has been used medicinally for centuries to treat various health issues. It is non-toxic and won’t harm you if you swallow some, but try not to as it has a very bitter and salty taste. We use it for two main reasons: it raises the density of the water, making it much easier to float, and it softens your skin.

Will I get cold inside the Float Pod?

No. The float tank is heated all the time. The temperature of the water feels warm when you get in, but in fact, it is the same as your skin’s temperature. This is environment is suited for extended periods of floating. The correct temperature is important and constantly electronically monitored. PRO tip: If you typically run cold, shower in cool water. If you typically run hot, shower in hot water. This will help you acclimate to the neutral temperature with ease.

Can I catch a disease from someone using the tank before me?

No, you can’t. Between each float session, the entire contents of the tank are pumped through a very dense filter several times. This filter effectively removes every single particle. But more importantly, the solution is sterilized to kill bacteria and viruses.

Is it true that floating cures jet lag?

Yes. Research shows that floating in a float tank is much more effective than bed rest.

Is there a limit to how often you can float?

Some people have their own float tanks and sleep in them regularly. They claim that they need less sleep than typical. You could certainly float every day without harm. We also find that the relaxing effect of a one-hour float lasts all day and longer, so a session once or twice a week can be enough to satisfy your desire for floating.

What about my hair?

Your hair should be washed in the shower before floating. Swimming caps do not work very well or at all. If your hair has recently been colored or otherwise treated, it is best to wait a few days before floating. Ask your operators advice if you are not sure.